Follow all stages of your embryo development

Embryos are followed more closely by time-lapse incubators.
Eggs/embryos are kept (cultured) in special devices called incubators in an IVF laboratory. Following microinjection of an egg with an oocyte, the microinjected oocyte is transferred in a dish to an incubator. The morphological development of an embryo (cell number, fragmentation etc.), thereafter, is evaluated under microscopy at universally set time-points by taking the embryo out of the incubator. However, taking the embryo each time out of the incubator poses a stress to the embryo due to disturbed culture conditions; the ambient temperature in a classical lab is 23oC versus 37 oC in the incubator. Similarly the CO2 and O2 gas pressures are different inside and outside of an incubator. However, thanks to the time-lapse technology, which permits taking the pictures of embryos within the incubator every 10-15 minutes without giving any harm to the embryos. In other words, time-lapse technology permits undisturbed culture conditions, which avoids stress to the embryos.
Another advantage of time-lapse technology is that it permits continuous development of the embryo, rather than just giving static information at only several time-points. It has been clearly shown that transferring embryos with several division patterns are associated with very low pregnancy rats (e.g. direct division-division of 1 cell to 3 cells or 2 cell to 5 cells within less than 4 hours; reverse cleavage-e.g. 8-cell embryo developing to 7-cell by fusion of 2 cells). In other words, time-lapse technology permits us not to select those embryos (deselection). Obviously, deselection would not be possible with classical incubators. 
Time-lapse technology is high technology and costly. In our embryology lab, we have 2 time-lapse incubators (Embryoscope). We should stress that the rest of all our incubators are modern small, bench-top incubators providing high quality in-vitro culture conditions. Although not critical, time-lapse technology offers some advantages including;

  1. Embryos stay stable in terms of the temperature, humidity, oxygen and carbon dioxide pressure.
  2. All embryonic development stages are closely followed.
  3. Not to select embryos (deselection) of embryos with abnormal cleavage (e.g. direct division-division of 1 cell to 3 cells or 2 cell to 5 cells within less than 4 hours; reverse cleavage-e.g. 8-cell embryo developing to 7-cell by fusion of 2 cells)


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