Laboratory Staff
She graduated from Sabancı University, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department of Engineering and Natural Sciences in 2011. She did an internship in Complex Genetic Disorders Department of Harvard University 2010. She completed her master’s degree in Reproduction and Cancer Biology Department of John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in USA between 2011 and 2012. She, thereafter, completed a 2-year master’s program in Clinical Embryology and Andrology at Eastern Virginia Medical School at Norfolk, US, which has achieved the first IVF baby in US. İrem is one of the very rare embryologists to have had formal trainining in Clinical Embryology and Infertility. She had her microinjection training at Universitair Ziekenhuis (UZ) Brussels at which the first microinjection baby in humans has been achieved and reported in 1992.
She has been working in Anatolia IVF and Women’s Health Centre since 2012 and is the IVF laboratory director since 2017.

Last Edit Date: 14.02.2025